Gyanta (keményítő nélkül)
1. Odaberite sustav epoksidne smole

2. Odaberite količinu
EPODEX - Resin (without Hardener)
The resin A-komponent must be mixed with the hardener B-komponent before use. The Epoxy Systems, consisting of the resin and hardener, are suitable for a wide range of applications such as civil, electrical and mechanical engineering. It is a classic coating, laminating and repairing epoxy resin. It can be used as casting resin in layers up to 10cm thick. Coat your floors, table tops and other objects. Our EPODEX Epoxy Systems are miscible with all our colour pigments.
Návod k použití
- Uvijek započnite s pripremnim premazom za epoxy smolu, kako biste izbjegli visoki gubitak materijala i mjehuriće (debljina sloja: 0,2-0.5mm). Za to jednostavno koristite dio iste prozirne epoksidne smole (za premazivanje podova i drugih obojenih podloga, preporučujemo uporabu našeg EPOXY PRIMER sustava za epoxy smolu na bazi vode).
- Mix te resin A-komponent with the hardener B-komponent in a ratio of 2:1 (e.g. 2kg resin: 1kg hardener).
- Promiješajte rub i dno mjerne čaše, jer se materijal tamo naslanja. Idealno, ulijte u čistu mjernu čašu i ponovno promiješajte dok smjesa ne postane bez linija. This ensures that the resin A-komponent and hardener B-komponent are completely mixed together.
- Pour the the resin-hardener mixture onto the surface to be coated immediately after mixing, as the product can start to boil in the mixing cup.
- Paint the epoxy primer with a paint roller or brush on the desired surface.
- Let the primer cure. The curing time depends on the temperature and the layer thickness. You can find more detailed information in our information table ander the “Learn more” button on this product page.
- Nastavite s glavnim premazom na isti način. Ako odaberete boju na ovoj stranici proizvoda, dobit ćete boje ili bojne pigmente uz smolu i učvršćivač.
- To colour the main coating, mix the supplied colour with the resin A-komponent or with the resin-hardener mixture. Adjust the colour intensity individually by adding more or less colour pigment.
Informace: Epoxy smola osjetljiva je na bilo kakvu vrstu vlage tijekom stvrdnjavanja (rizik od stvaranja aminskog rumenila, tj. bijelih mrlja na gornjem sloju). Stoga, preporučujemo da izbjegavate svaki kontakt između vode i epoksida dok se potpuno ne stvrdne (najmanje 7 dana). Za tanke slojeve, hladne temperature (ambijentalne, podloge i temperature smole ispod 20°C) i povećanu vlažnost, vrijeme dok se epoksidna smola potpuno ne stvrdne može se produžiti.
Količine potrošnje
Odredite potrebnu količinu smole pomoću našeg kalkulatora za epoksidnu smolu na ovoj stranici proizvoda.
Preporučene debljine premaza kod premazivanja podova i drugih površina
- Ukupni premaz (osnovni + glavni premaz): približno 1,65-2,20kg/m² za debljine slojeva 1.5-2mm
- Osnovni premaz: približno 0,22-0.55kg/m² za debljinu sloja 0,2-0.5mm
- Glavni premaz: približno 1,10-1,65kg/m² za debljine slojeva 1-1.5mm
- Pigment u prahu (Metallic, Neon i Svjetleći u mraku): 1.5% (15g),
- Prozirne boje (osim bijele, crne i sive): 60 kapi (1,8g),
- Prozirne bijele, crne i sive boje: 20 kapi boje (0,6g), /li>
- Polu-prozirne boje (osim bijele): 40 kapi (1,2g) željene boje i 20 kapi (0,6g) bijele boje,
- Polu-prozirna bijela: 60 kapi bijele boje (1,8g),
- RAL čvrste boje: 1% (10g),
- Svjetlucavi pigmenti: 1% (10g)
Zákaznická podpora:
Pokud máte další dotazy, obraťte se na nás telefonicky, e-mailem nebo využijte naši podporu prostřednictvím WhatsApp.
Poznámka: Všimněte si, že kvůli různým světelným podmínkám a monitorům se barvy nemusí jednotně zobrazovat.
Pozor: 2,2 '- [(1-methylethylidene) bis (4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)] bisoxirane Reaction mass of 2,2' - [methylenebis (4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)] dioxirane and [ 2 - ({2- [4- (oxirane-2-ylmethoxy) benzyl] phenoxy} methyl) oxiranes and [2,2 '- [methylene bis (2,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)] dioxirane oxiranes, mono (C 12-14 alkyloxy) methyl) derivs.
PRO (A-komponent) Pozor: reaction product: bis- [4- (2,3-epoxypropoxi) phenyl] propane oxirane, mono [(C12-14-alkyloxy) methyl] derivative.
Složení, prohlášení o nebezpečí
Danger Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects. Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. Avoid release to the environment. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Dispose of contents and container in accordance with all local, regional, national or international regulations.